

Below is a link to Lebanon Borough School's Artsonia website. Artsonia is a wonderful portfolio sharing website that will help keep a connection between home and the art room. If you, as a parent or guardian, have already granted access to your child's account in previous years, their portfolio can still be viewed. I would like to be sure EVERY student at LBS has an active account for using the Class Portal. The Class Portal is a platform similar to Google Classroom. Due to circumstances changing constantly, we should be prepared for the possibility of quarantining. I believe the Class Portal in Artsonia will help keep us all connected. If necessary, students will receive video instructions and be able to upload images of their artwork within the Class Portal.

Below, you'll also find links to join the Class Portal AND to grant additional PARENT PERMISSION from a parent account. I greatly encourage you to grant parent permission for your child's Artsonia account, because by doing so you can invite friends and family members to see what your child is creating while in art. You then have control of viewing and allowing comments from your loved ones on your child's artwork. And if you're looking for a special holiday gift that is truly from your child, Artsonia has a gift shop that will print your child's beautiful artwork on speical items. A portion of the proceeds (20%) will be donated directly from Artsonia back to LBS! 

In the first weeks of school, your child will come home with an Artsonia Permission Slip that has secure information on it. Please follow its directions. It will look like this:

Lebanon Borough
Artsonia for Parents/Guardians
Parent Login
Artsonia for Students
Class Portal